Los aviadores y los cazadores de cabezas

7 Nov

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En 1944, un bombardero de EE.UU. se vio afectada por el fuego antiaéreo japonés, y la tripulación saltó en paracaídas en jungla. Fueron protegidos por los miembros de la tribu Dayak – los «hombres salvajes de Borneo», que fueron famosos por su costumbre de cazar y ahumar cabezas de enemigos. Meses más tarde, los aviadores fueron encontrados por un excéntrico Mayor británico que ideó un ingenioso plan para rescatar a los hombres.

Program: Secrets of the Dead
Episode: The Airmen and the Headhunters

In 1944, a U.S. bomber was hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire, and the crew ejected and parachuted into the wilderness. They were taken in and protected by members of the Dayak tribe – the «wild men of Borneo,» who were infamous for their custom of hunting and smoking enemy heads. Months later, the airmen were found by an eccentric British Major who devised an ingenious plan to rescue the men.

Visit the The Airmen and the Headhunters webpage

El mayor británico Tom Harrison y algunos de sus comandos australianos en la pista de aterrizaje de bambú en junio de 1945.

El mayor británico Tom Harrison y algunos de sus comandos australianos en la pista de aterrizaje de bambú en junio de 1945.

El veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Dan Illerich, el único superviviente de los aviadores caídos en manos de la tribu Dayak en Borneo.

El veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Dan Illerich, el único superviviente de los aviadores caídos en manos de la tribu Dayak en Borneo.

27 respuestas to “Los aviadores y los cazadores de cabezas”

  1. slxkrgf@gmail.com 13/06/2014 a 17:18 #

    WordPress is up and running on my host — but it completely mismatches my site’s existing theme/CSS. How hard would it be to modify/write a new theme to make it fit in? Is there an easier way to do this?.

  2. rlqulx@gmail.com 24/06/2014 a 15:12 #

    I have a web page for my business and there is a link to my blog on it, it want to show the blog posts on the webpage not just the link and I can’t figure out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.

  3. ioqkxuuo@gmail.com 26/06/2014 a 05:47 #

    Hey guys, I know not many people use Blogspot anymore, but I’m trying to add some music to may page. I keep finding really bad explanations for how to upload music. I’ve already uploaded my music onto various websites so they are in URL format, but I don’t know where to go from there. Anybody care to help?.

  4. rfhznz@gmail.com 27/06/2014 a 12:18 #

    The screen in my blogger website is way too small. I don’t know how to make it bigger, do you guys know how to make blogger videos in your site bigger? .

  5. rfhznz@gmail.com 28/06/2014 a 14:21 #

    I’d see all kinds of ads about blogging on the Internet to earn money, but don’t know of anybody that has actually made any money this way. I’d love to hear from anybody who has..

  6. mcdqqvr@gmail.com 29/06/2014 a 13:18 #

    WordPress is up and running on my host — but it completely mismatches my site’s existing theme/CSS. How hard would it be to modify/write a new theme to make it fit in? Is there an easier way to do this?.

  7. xoyrbxjv@gmail.com 29/06/2014 a 13:56 #

    I’m going to do a presentation about thebillboard website . I need some informations about how is started ? and if there is a story behind its starting , and I need to know why it’s important for the media’s life ? Alos, what does it do ?.

  8. illlxnqrkrp@gmail.com 30/06/2014 a 06:17 #

    Is it possible to make a spoiler button in blogger blog posts ? I don’t know javascript and know very basic html only. I’ve tried copying snippets of javascript into my posts to try but most of them doesn’t work. Some only works in the create post window but after publishing it doesn’t work anymore. Most buttons just does nothing after being clicked. Any solutions ?.

  9. wtiudectlca@gmail.com 30/06/2014 a 16:27 #

    I started writing a book, and I wanted to put the chapters of the book on a different blog then my other less thrilling post. I don’t know how to, though,.

  10. dhjzmrxgdr@gmail.com 01/07/2014 a 21:45 #

    I was thinking of starting a blog so I did some research into it on the internet and came across a lot of stuff that talks about legal issues and blogging. I’m not planning on blogging about controversial issues, (my blog would focus on posts about books, movies, culture, theater, music etc, and all material would be solely my own opinions) so what legal issues are involved with blogging? . Should I write a copyright disclaimer or are blog disclaimers actually worthless?.

  11. dhjzmrxgdr@gmail.com 05/07/2014 a 23:03 #

    I’m new to blogspot and I’m having a difficult time. How can I change the background to a picture I want?.

  12. wtiudectlca@gmail.com 07/07/2014 a 00:02 #

    GoDaddy tech support is so frustrating. First, I used their applications panel to install joomla, but when I uploaded my local site via ftp, it didn’t work. I called GoDaddy support and they do not give support for migrating a local site to their host. You just have to build it from scratch from their installation. That stinks. Solutions?.

  13. barpxfd@gmail.com 07/07/2014 a 01:48 #

    What do people think would be a good blog hosting website for creating a blog on? There are a lot I think so I don’t know which would be most useful and versatile..

  14. wtiudectlca@gmail.com 07/07/2014 a 09:38 #

    I want to start my own blog: are there such thing as blogs that are totally «open», and anybody can view it? I keep coming to the kind where you have to add other «friends» to use the site. . Links appreciated. Thanks!.

  15. qlpyrmcrzxw@gmail.com 10/07/2014 a 09:10 #

    I want to use the WayBackMachine to try to retrieve my old Yahoo! 360 Blog posts, but I don’t know what the URL format was. So far I am coming up empty. Anybody have an example URL that I can use to reconstruct a valid URL for my old blog? Thanks!.

  16. vxajma@gmail.com 11/07/2014 a 03:17 #

    Hi all! I want to have my own website let’s say i will purchase it through Godaddy and for designing part i want to use joomla. I have gone through guidance file given within joomla setup but still m confused in how to link my domain name and joomla?. Pls help me in this regard and give possible best suggestions. ..

  17. zmfbsvk@gmail.com 17/07/2014 a 23:13 #

    Well put from an awesome blogger

  18. uatmozwuxd@gmail.com 19/07/2014 a 12:42 #

    i’m not used to the new Yahoo! Pulse that comes with your email. i like blogging though…and i don’t know how to change the blog settings to make your posts invisible to everyone except you and stuff. help please DX.

  19. jrmxwgfwuza@gmail.com 19/07/2014 a 21:58 #

    Is it possible to make a spoiler button in blogger blog posts ? I don’t know javascript and know very basic html only. I’ve tried copying snippets of javascript into my posts to try but most of them doesn’t work. Some only works in the create post window but after publishing it doesn’t work anymore. Most buttons just does nothing after being clicked. Any solutions ?.

  20. crkcdtwvtez@gmail.com 24/07/2014 a 17:46 #

    I have many setting in my previous windows in Mozila Firefox, now I’ve installed an onother version of windows on other hardisk.. What should I copy to have the same settings, history and bookmarks from the earlier one?. Nothing is lost I just have an onother windows in another hard and I want to move the mozile setting from the previous to the current one..

  21. hrnivgzy@gmail.com 29/07/2014 a 02:25 #

    I want to add a registration form to Joomla.. . I need to be able to edit the fields of the form. . The form needs to register people as users in Joomla, and trigger an HTML welcome email, as well as a notification to an admin about the registration.. . I’ve tried community builder, but you can’t disable things like username, which is irrelevant to me, and the welcome emails won’t do HTML.. . Any suggestions?.

  22. jipfjmafk@gmail.com 30/07/2014 a 09:54 #

    I just downloaded Mozilla firefox, how do i make it so my opening page is bebo? I know its possible i just can’t remember how. I mean so that when you open firefox its not google its bebo, if yous get what i mean?.

  23. dzmqrojssd@gmail.com 30/07/2014 a 23:05 #

    Hi all – I have a straight-up HTML website that I’d like to transition to Joomla. If possible, I’d like to install Joomla into a subfolder and create and test the site there, while keeping the existing site functioning until I’m ready to move it over. Is this possible?. . Thanks!.

  24. imxympoga@gmail.com 02/08/2014 a 01:21 #

    The first piece is geotagging each blog post on some sort of map.. . The second piece is meshing those points on a map with other people. Essentially we’d like several members of our team to provide updates regularly and post their locations to the same map..

  25. ekaawhwryei@gmail.com 21/08/2014 a 12:37 #

    I made a few songs and I want to know how to alter the copyright content on an MP3 file so I can share it online? I want to add (p) Swagers Studios (2009) to the copyright content and was wondering if it was possible. Any help is greatly appreciated.. It’s still not letting me edit the copyright content. Ive noticed that some MP3’s I downloaded off the net have unofficial copyrights like ZOMG company. If you can’t help it’s okay.

  26. sxdpimqxpi@gmail.com 16/09/2015 a 16:22 #

    I need a good male pseudonym to use when blogging.. Sorry if this is the wrong place for the question :(. It sort of relates because I want to blog, but I don’t want my acquaintances/friends to see it..


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